Trans* and non-binary
and non-binary
in sport

The context

There’s no denying the fact that trans and gender non-conforming people are a long way from taking part in sport, and are marginalized in recreational sport by unsuitable infrastructures or clumsy, derogatory or even violent behavior. Several studies bear witness to this: according to an internal study carried out by the LGBT+ sports federation, 100% of trans people surveyed consider that transphobia is present in non-LGBT sports clubs, compared with 40% in LGBT clubs; according to the same study, the primary reason why trans and non-gendered people join an LGBT sports club is to feel safe there. According to a 2022 IPSOS 1 survey, 62% of sportspeople surveyed consider that if a trans person joined their structure or team, it would provoke negative reactions. However, a study carried out in 2022 on “Sport and trans” indicates that two-thirds of trans people surveyed believe that “sport helps in a transition, whatever it may be”.

To change this situation, we want to address the following three issues by providing concrete, accessible solutions to bring trans and gender-neutral people who so wish into more regular, supervised sport: how can we make infrastructures and organizations more suitable for the inclusion of trans and gender-neutral people in leisure/amateur sport? How can we change mentalities to better include trans and non-gendered people in recreational / amateur sport? How can we better inform trans, transitioning and gender-neutral people about the possibilities available to them for practicing sport in a safe environment?

The sessions will be moderated by Julia Hamel and Patrick Ferlin, accompanied by PWC (partner of Paris 2024) represented by Charline Brot and Jose-Carlos Flores, who will support us in the moderation and assist with the institutional rendering.


03rd April

#1 Group presentation

Les sessions se tiendront entre avril et juin avec une thématique spécifique à chacune.

24th April

#2 Deconstruct existing categories

Deconstruct binarity and move away from gender equity by creating new categories.

Develop gender diversity, including in male categories.

15th May

#3 Chartres and doctrines

Updating best practices to better welcome trans people and gender diversity in sport.

05th June

#4 Communicate and raise awareness

On trans people in sports structures (management and coaching in particular) and communicate the inclusive nature of clubs to trans and non-binary people.

19th June

#5 Infrastructure (including governance)

Modification of existing structures and proposals for future structures.



Our partners and teams are at the helm
to deliver optimized results.

See you in July for more news…

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