Our mission

Acting for fair play, inclusion, equity and respect for people in sport, whatever their sexual orientation, gender expression or identity.

Values for Pride House · Paris 2024

Respect for diversity

Respect for diversity places value in people’s differences and recognizes that each individual has their own uniqueness, be it cultural, social, religious, sexual orientation or other. It encourages acceptance and appreciation of the multicultural richness that makes our world so unique and vibrant.


Equity emphasizes the fair distribution of opportunities and resources among all members of a society. It recognizes that each person’s needs are unique, and strives to meet them in a way that takes account of their particular circumstances. In this way, equity does not simply mean treating everyone in the same way, but aims to give everyone what they need to succeed.


Inclusion advocates a society where every person, regardless of identity or ability, is valued and has the opportunity to participate fully in social, economic, political and cultural life. It focuses on eliminating the barriers that might prevent some people from achieving their full potential.

The association

Fier-Play (law 1901) was launched in 2021 at the initiative of Fondation Fier, a foundation sheltered by FACE and legatee of the Paris 2018 association organizing Gay Games X.

The association and its “Pride House – Paris 2024” project are part of the plan to combat anti-LGBTI+ hatre brought by the Ministry for Equality between Women and Men and the Fight against Discrimination and the Interministerial Delegation for the Fight against Racism (DILCRAH), under the recommendations of the Fier Foundation for a more inclusive sport.

Passionate volunteers, united for a unique project.

Experts in their fields, these volunteers are united around the Co-Presidents, who are responsible for steering the various facets of this project:



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