and homosexuality,
towards a sport
more inclusive


Although sport conveys values of fraternity and respect, a recent study showed that around 1 in 2 French people have witnessed homophobic or transphobic behavior in the sporting environment*. As a result, LGBT+ sportspeople are becoming less visible, resorting to strategies of concealment and avoidance, stopping their sporting activities or even fearing sport altogether.

How can we make sports clubs more inclusive, especially when it comes to LGBT+ members? How can we train managers, supervisors and referees to adopt a benevolent attitude, and know how to act and react when faced with homophobia in their club or on the pitch? How can they identify sports facilities that have been trained to welcome homosexuals?

The sessions will be led by Jérôme Mouly and Clark Massad, accompanied by PWC (partner of Paris 2024) represented by Charline Brot and Jose-Carlos Flores, who will support us in the facilitation and assist with the institutional rendering.


25th March

#1 Group presentation

Sessions will be held between April and June, each with a specific theme.

11th April

#2 Training & awareness-raising on LGBT+ inclusion

29th April

#3 Quantitative data on LGBT+ inclusion

Synthèse des résultats IPSOS résumé par la FS LGBT+

29th May

#4 Sport and the deconstruction of virility, binary sport and gendered sport

13rd June

#5 Sanctions / regulatory changes / education



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to deliver optimized results.

See you in July for more news…

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