Carrefour, committed to diversity and inclusion

As an employer of more than 305,000 employees, we believe we have a duty to act internally. We firmly believe that diversity of profiles is a real asset for our company. That’s why our Group is committed to
promote an open and inclusive corporate culture, where each individual finds his or her place.

“At Carrefour, we are committed to diversity and inclusion for our employees and customers.
For our Group, these values are deeply rooted in our conception of our role as a company, one of France’s one of France’s leading private employers.”

Our commitment extends beyond our walls: every year, Carrefour welcomes 80 million households around the world, giving us both the opportunity and the responsibility to raise awareness and take action against all forms of discrimination and violence. For us, inclusion means giving everyone a place, regardless of their gender, culture, origins, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity. That’s why we’ve been working for several years to promote equal opportunities, combat discrimination, advance gender equality, change the way people look at disability and offer our teams an inclusive working environment.
At Carrefour, we work to ensure that everyone feels free to be themselves!

Our Ambitions

1 Affirming the Group’s support for the LGBT+ community

2 Enrich everyone’s knowledge on the subject

3 Communicating the behavior expected of Carrefour employees

4 Open the floor

Nos Engagements et Partenaires

In 2022, our Group signed the L ‘Autre Cercle charter, a benchmark for the inclusion and visibility of LGBT+ people in the workplace.
To deepen our commitment, in June 2023, Carrefour entered into a partnership with the Le Refuge foundation, which works on behalf of young LGBT+ people facing exclusion from their family homes.
As part of this collaboration, our Group provides financial support to Le Refuge, makes donations of non-food products and facilitates access to employment for young beneficiaries of this foundation.

A simple positionning

We affirm our support for the LGBT+ community with the following two messages! Diversity is celebrated here, and everyone is welcomed and respected, whatever their orientation or identity.

Carrefour, an inclusive company for LGBT+ people

To our LGBT+ colleagues and future colleagues: “At Carrefour we work to strengthen an inclusive work environment where everyone is free to be themselves at work regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.”

Zero tolerance for discrimination at Carrefour

To everyone who works at Carrefour: “LGBTphobic comments and behavior are prohibited by law. They are not tolerated at Carrefour and will be systematically sanctioned.”


15 000

disabled employees
in the Group by 2026.

d’ici 2026

an ambitious plan
to promote diversity of origin.

35 %

of women in the “C200
by 2026.

5 000

new employees graduate from our in-house school,
the School for Leaders by 2026

Change the way we see the handicap

Our target for 2026?
15,000 disabled employees within the Group (+50% compared with 2022).

We also aspire to build Carrefour’s legacy by increasing accessibility for people with disabilities, within our stores and on our websites.
In 2023, the first handi-accessible hypermarket opened in Villeneuve la Garenne.

All our in-store staff have been trained in the ten most frequently used words in sign language (hello, thank you, goodbye…).

Our Group is a premium partner of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games:
We thus took part in the first Paralympic Day on October 8, 2022. And we’ve been organizing numerous events ever since, to raise awareness of the Paralympic Games.

We support and participate in several disability awareness events, including the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities (SEEPH).

Since April 2022, we’ve organized silent hours in over 1,240 supermarkets and hypermarkets in France to enable people with autistic disorders to shop in peace and quiet (reduced lighting, no music, no announcements over the microphone).

Breaking the glass ceiling and promoting diversity of origin

At Carrefour, we have undertaken a most ambitious initiative as part of our Strategic Plan: that of actively promoting diversity of origins in order to metamorphose the identity of our company by 2026. To this end, we have conducted a survey of all our employees in France, guaranteeing anonymity and voluntariness, in order to gain a better understanding of the diversity of our teams. Now, to make this vision a reality, we are launching an Action Plan based on four major axes.

Train all our employees in France in non-discrimination and the fight against unconscious bias, with the aim of all receiving face-to-face training by the end of 2024.

Increase the recruitment of candidates from diverse backgrounds, both by broadening our field of research in hitherto little-explored universities, as well as through an unprecedented partnership with the association Les Déterminés, in order to find a variety of profiles for our in-store positions.

Establish a community of role models, testifying to their career paths both internally and externally, in order to promote inspiring speeches and convey self-confidence.

Encourage the advancement of employees from diverse backgrounds, in particular through a partnership with Le Club du 21e Siècle to mentor female Carrefour employees. In addition, each member of Carrefour’s Executive Committee will be tasked with mentoring a Group employee in 2024, with the aim of breaking the glass ceiling.

Promoting gender diversity and equality

An agreement on professional equality was signed within our Group in 2020. Its objectives?
To facilitate the professional development of women and enable men to become more involved in their family role, without prejudice or fear for their careers.

12 days’ absence per year are granted to women suffering from endometriosis, 3 days following a miscarriage, 1 day for women undergoing Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAP).

Within our organization, we promote gender equality. As proof of this, we have been awarded the GEEIS (Gender Equality European & International Standard) label in all our countries.

To increase the number of women in our management bodies and positions, we offer development programs, individual coaching and mentoring for our female employees, such as the Empowering Women Leaders program.

In every country, we preserve the life balance of parents, women and men alike.

As a member of the Executive Committee of the One in Three Women network and signatory of the international agreement with UNI Global Union, our Group is committed to fighting violence against women.

Promoting equal opportunities and inclusion for all

Our School of Leaders, which develops internal promotion, represents a real lever for promoting diversity and equal opportunity within our Group.
5,000 new employees will graduate by 2026!

At Carrefour, we fight against discrimination and harassment. Our employees are regularly trained and made aware of the right behaviors to adopt. An ethics hotline is also available in all countries.

We set up schemes to secure career paths for people who are the furthest from employment, such as skills, Each one, Tremplins du Cœur, because we are committed to detecting hidden talent and helping them develop their employability. Every year, we organize a Diversity Day to raise our employees’ awareness of the need to accept differences.

By the end of November 2022, we will have hired more than 15,000 young people under the age of 30, 55% of them from priority urban neighborhoods (QPV).

Don’t be afraid! The “Everyone has a chance #JeVeuxJePeux” communication campaign was carried out in 2022. Its objectives? To present and promote all our actions in favor of equal opportunity: social elevator, professional equality, inclusion of different profiles, etc.

Every year, we organise Diversity Day to raise
to raise awareness among our employees about
acceptance of difference.

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